Fryent residents are being asked for their views on what local Council services should be provided in future. It also asks what can Brent Council do to improve the borough given the continuing squeeze on budgets.
Why are we asking residents? Your views are important, its your borough, its your council Tax, and they are your public services.
The Government have cut money that they allocate to the Council to provide services to residents of Brent. Over the last four years we have re organised the way we provide services, sometimes this has meant services reducing, like the number of libraries.
Over the next 4 years our budget is being cut even more, the total spending will have to halve by 2019, a 50% reduction. We are faced with a growing population, elderly people are living longer and more babies are being born. What do we do with less money but more demands? It is likely that some services we currently provide will be stopped or reduced or run by voluntary groups.
Should residents pay more Council Tax to pay for local services, should individual households pay for certain services? An example of this is the recent decision to charge for garden waste to be collected from next spring. Are there current Council services that people think are so important that they would pay more to keep them? Some services are statutory, this means we have to provide a service, normally due to a law being passed by Government.
We want to know what you think is most important for Brent, bearing in mind that prioritising means we will have to do less in some areas – or stop doing some things altogether. We are also looking for your ideas on how we can deliver services more innovatively, working with others to protect services – this includes working with you.
Will you help us decide, your views matter? Go to the link below and fill out the questions.
It is also likely that it will be an agenda item at the next Brent Connects to be held on 4th November 2014at the Sattavis Patidar Centre, Forty Lane, junction with the Avenue, Wembley starting at 7pm. Make a note in your diary.
Thank you for your help, and please pass on to others and suggest they help. The moe responses we get the better the representations.
Fryent Councillors,
George Crane, Ruth Moher and Shama Tatler.