Monday, June 6, 2011

The future of School Crossing Patrols in Brent

The Future of School Crossing Patrols

Brent Council has recently announced a review of the School Crossing Patrol service (SCP), sometimes referred to as Lollipop attendants, due to the shaped coloured banner they hold.

Brent has one of the largest School Crossing Patrol services in London. There are 47 sites covered by SCP,s two of which are in Fryent. One at Fryent School in Church Lane and one at St Robert Southwell School in Slough Lane.

In recent years Brent has been successful in reducing road casualties, especially children. Children killed or seriously injured have reduced from 40+ per annum in the late 1990’s to 11 per annum in 2009, sadly still to many but below both national and London targets. It has to be said that it is difficult to identify any direct contribution of the (SCP) to this reduction. Road casualty reduction has been the result of a combination of activities and initiatives.


Brent council has devised a model for “risk evaluation” and assessed each SCP location. Some schools may be close to Pelican crossings, be in a 20MPH zone, or simply have a traffic refuge outside the school. 
The results of the evaluation risk model in Fryent would mean that the SCP outside Fryent School would be removed and the SCP outside St Robert Southwell School would be retained.
An alternative option would be for the school to “buy back” the service and cover the annual cost of the SCP, approximately £6000 per annum.


Schools are being invited to share the proposals with the wider community, parents and carers. A report will go to the Council Executive in mid July. Details of the proposals will be available on Brent Council website.
The Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984 provides that London Boroughs may make arrangements for patrolling school crossings but there is no duty to do so.

So what do residents think? Should your Council Tax pay for School Crossing Patrols? Should the Council only provide for the most risky sites? Be part of the debate.( You can click on  comment or sign in). 

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