Thursday, October 6, 2011


It is important to remind ourselves sometimes of the achievements of the previous Labour Government. Most new affordable homes you see being finished these days are due to Labour's past commitment to Housing. Some would argue that it wasn't enough but just pause to think what's happening today!

Communities in Local Government (CLG) recently published a paper on Affordable Housing supply which showed more new affordable homes were completed than anytime for the last 15 years. (Read it here.)

Rewind back to June 2009 when Gordon Brown launched Building Britains's Future which provided 1.5 Billion extra for housebuilding, especially affordable housing. Now we all know that Housing takes a long time to build so lets acknowledge that it was a Labour Government that is delivering affordable homes now.

So when Gordon Brown spoke of the Future, he meant it, you can see results now. When David Cameron speaks about the Future (yesterdays Tory conference) we need to ask how much affordable housing will we see in 2015?

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I love this affordable house of 2011, Really this articles brings a lot of information that I need!

    Thanks and keep it up!
