Sunday, October 20, 2013

  "Romans" living in Kingsbury?

It's just been reported by our highly respected local historian, Phillip Grant, that Roman ('Samian ware') pottery and traces of buildings, have been found at the Blackbird Hill (former 'Blarney Stone' pub) archaelogical dig site. Along with other Wembley History Society enthusiasts, Phillip has been working with the archaeologists there.  The significance of these finds could be enormous. If validated by Archaeology South-East, they would confirm earlier speculation that there was a farm and people permanently settled hereabouts, in pre-Roman times viz.,the early centuries of the 1st millennium.

It would add  about 500 years to the age of the area as a place of settlement. Up to now, most historians and archaeologists believed that it was the Wembley area which was the original place of settlement hereabouts. 'Wemba' is first recorded as having his  clearing in the forest ('Wemba lea') in AD825. But if this Welsh Harp ward site ( in the ancient parish of Kingsbury, just along from the old church), does prove to be evidence of a Roman (or indeed pre-Roman settlement), that could have enormous significe for English history generally. It could put the whole area on the English heritage 'map' big time, with enormous potential for tourism.

Before we get too excited however, we must wait for the archaeologists to report finally.  We await with interest for Philip's further reports from Blackbird Hill.

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